1 Year Blog Anniversary

I started Travelladyshops  to share my unique knowledge and experiences with women like you, who love to travel and shop the world.  My goal is to encourage and inspire women of all ages to travel and find beautiful clothes for all budgets.

Over the past year I was not able to take any vacations but I was still able to write about travel, fashion and photography tips.   I’m excited to be here and glad that you took  time out of your busy schedule to read this post. If you missed any of my older blog post, please go check them out and leave a comment.  I have a long way to go but this is just the beginning.

On January 1, 2020, I was excited to start a new year and like most people I had plans to travel the world. This was going to be a special year for me!  After losing my mother in 2019, I created TRAVELLADYSHOPS  and posted my first blog in April 2020.

I dedicated my blog to my mother.  We went to Italy in 2007 and had a wonderful time shopping. I had plans to return in October 2020 and wanted to blog about travel and shopping in Italy. Hopefully I will get to travel soon, but if not, I have a lot of old but useful travel information to share.  I will continue to blog about fashion and photography tips.

On February 20, 2020, I was excited to attend what I thought would be the first of many  DC Blogger Union Events. But 4 weeks later the pandemic shut that down.   Even though we couldn’t meet in person, I enjoyed making authentic connections via social media and formed life changing friendships. It really is a wonderful community. I have been featured twice by the DC Blogger Union and other brands such Annapolis Town Center.

On my blog you will find fun and uplifting information on travel, fashion and photography.  Please subscribe to receive monthly emails with new tips and tricks.

I started blogging once a month but  now I’m committed to posting twice a month.   Blogging is not easy and it can take a lot of time.  Not only do you have to take pretty pictures but  you have to come up with topics, write the blog, post it, reply to comments, respond to emails,  advertise, link it to your other social media platforms as well as keeping up with all the technical issues that come with managing your own blog.  One day I will have help and a team but for now I’m doing it solo. If you’re thinking about starting a blog, be prepared for a lot of work but it is very rewarding. I love my audience and I’m glad they find my content valuable. I’m excited for the next year.

4 thoughts on “1 Year Blog Anniversary”

  1. Beverly Cornish

    Awesome! Congratulations Nancy on your one year anniversary. Follow your passion!

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